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map.php File Reference

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 $booMap = true
 $oMap = new Map ( $oMysql, $oUser )
 $booWaypointing = false
 $strWaytext = ''
 $mapdata = array()
 $oBestWay = new BestWay ( $oMap->aTerrainPoints )
 $waypoints = array()
 $xx = $oMap->xx
 $yy = $oMap->yy
 $x = $oMap->x
 $y = $oMap->y
 $strMapNimg = '<a href="map.php?x='.$x.'&amp;y='. ($y-5) . '"><img src="img/m_up5.jpg" style="height: 17px; width: 35px; margin: 0px 2px;" alt="5" /></a>'
 $strMapSimg = '<a href="map.php?x='.$x.'&amp;y='. ($y+5) . '"><img src="img/m_down5.jpg" style="height: 17px; width: 35px; margin: 0px 2px;" alt="5" /></a>'
 $strMapWimg = '<a href="map.php?x='. ($x-5) .'&amp;y='.$y.'"><img src="img/m_left5.jpg" style="height: 35px; width: 17px; margin: 2px 0px;" alt="5" /></a>'
 $strMapOimg = '<a href="map.php?x='. ($x+5) .'&amp;y='.$y.'"><img src="img/m_right5.jpg" style="height: 35px; width: 17px; margin: 2px 0px;" alt="5" /></a>'
 $map_x = $x
 $map_y = $y-div($yy,2)
 $strMapN = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">N</a>'
 $strMapS = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">S</a>'
 $strMapW = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">W</a>'
 $strMapO = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">O</a>'
 $strMapNWimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_nw.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'
 $strMapNW = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">NW</a>'
 $strMapNOimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_no.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'
 $strMapNO = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">NO</a>'
 $strMapSWimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_sw.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'
 $strMapSW = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">SW</a>'
 $strMapSOimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_so.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'
 $strMapSO = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">SO</a>'
 $strMapZoom = ''
 $aZoomstufen = array( 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 )
 effort = '.$dblEffort.'&amp
 xs = '.$oMap->xs.'&amp
 ys = '.$oMap->ys.'&amp

Variable Documentation

$aZoomstufen = array( 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 )

Definition at line 158 of file map.php.

Referenced by Map::Map().

$booMap = true


2005/05/01 14:46:47
Roland Schmitt <>

Christian Fischer <>

Peter Schnebel <>

Robert Vock <>

Definition at line 32 of file map.php.

$booWaypointing = false

Definition at line 40 of file map.php.

$map_x = $x

Definition at line 143 of file map.php.

$map_y = $y-div($yy,2)

Definition at line 142 of file map.php.

$mapdata = array()

Definition at line 54 of file map.php.

Referenced by Map::getImg().

$oBestWay = new BestWay ( $oMap->aTerrainPoints )

Definition at line 63 of file map.php.

$oMap = new Map ( $oMysql, $oUser )

Definition at line 38 of file map.php.

$strMapN = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">N</a>'

Definition at line 112 of file map.php.

$strMapNimg = '<a href="map.php?x='.$x.'&amp;y='. ($y-5) . '"><img src="img/m_up5.jpg" style="height: 17px; width: 35px; margin: 0px 2px;" alt="5" /></a>'

Definition at line 89 of file map.php.

$strMapNO = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">NO</a>'

Definition at line 133 of file map.php.

$strMapNOimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_no.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'

Definition at line 132 of file map.php.

$strMapNW = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">NW</a>'

Definition at line 127 of file map.php.

$strMapNWimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_nw.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'

Definition at line 126 of file map.php.

$strMapO = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">O</a>'

Definition at line 121 of file map.php.

$strMapOimg = '<a href="map.php?x='. ($x+5) .'&amp;y='.$y.'"><img src="img/m_right5.jpg" style="height: 35px; width: 17px; margin: 2px 0px;" alt="5" /></a>'

Definition at line 107 of file map.php.

$strMapS = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">S</a>'

Definition at line 115 of file map.php.


Initial value:

    '   var koord_top   = ' . $oMap->yy0 . ";\n" .
    '   var koord_left  = ' . $oMap->xx0 . ";\n" .
    '   var koord_right = ' . $oMap->xx1 . ";\n" .
    '   var koord_bottom= ' . $oMap->yy1 . ";\n" .
    '   var field_width = ' . $oMap->intFieldWidth . ";\n" .
    '   var field_height= ' . $oMap->intFieldHeight . ";\n"

Definition at line 148 of file map.php.

$strMapSimg = '<a href="map.php?x='.$x.'&amp;y='. ($y+5) . '"><img src="img/m_down5.jpg" style="height: 17px; width: 35px; margin: 0px 2px;" alt="5" /></a>'

Definition at line 95 of file map.php.

$strMapSO = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">SO</a>'

Definition at line 145 of file map.php.

$strMapSOimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_so.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'

Definition at line 144 of file map.php.

$strMapSW = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">SW</a>'

Definition at line 139 of file map.php.

$strMapSWimg = '<a href=map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'><img src="img/m_sw.gif" style="height: 17px; width: 17px;" alt="NW" /></a>'

Definition at line 138 of file map.php.

$strMapW = '<a class="compass" href="map.php?x='.$map_x.'&amp;y='.$map_y.'">W</a>'

Definition at line 118 of file map.php.

$strMapWimg = '<a href="map.php?x='. ($x-5) .'&amp;y='.$y.'"><img src="img/m_left5.jpg" style="height: 35px; width: 17px; margin: 2px 0px;" alt="5" /></a>'

Definition at line 101 of file map.php.

$strMapZoom = ''

Definition at line 157 of file map.php.

$strWaytext = ''

Definition at line 41 of file map.php.

Referenced by Map::getImg().

$waypoints = array()

Definition at line 65 of file map.php.

$x = $oMap->x

Definition at line 79 of file map.php.

$xx = $oMap->xx

Definition at line 77 of file map.php.

$y = $oMap->y

Definition at line 80 of file map.php.

$yy = $oMap->yy

Definition at line 78 of file map.php.

effort = '.$dblEffort.'&amp

Definition at line 174 of file map.php.

xs = '.$oMap->xs.'&amp

Definition at line 174 of file map.php.

Referenced by Map::getImg(), and Map::Map().

ys = '.$oMap->ys.'&amp

Definition at line 174 of file map.php.

Referenced by Map::getImg(), and Map::Map().

Generated on Sun May 8 19:29:46 2005 for PhpMap by  doxygen 1.4.2