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WDS::CProfile Member List

This is the complete list of members for WDS::CProfile, including all inherited members.

AddBookmark(int x, int y, const wxString &comment)WDS::CProfile
AddRecentGoTo(int x, int y)WDS::CProfile
GetDat() const WDS::CProfile
GetDirty() const WDS::CProfile
GetFogOfWar() const WDS::CProfile
GetLastScrollPositionX() const WDS::CProfile
GetLastScrollPositionY() const WDS::CProfile
GetLastZoom() const WDS::CProfile
GetMap() const WDS::CProfile
GetName() const WDS::CProfile
GetPassword() const WDS::CProfile
GetServer() const WDS::CProfile
GetTimestamp() const WDS::CProfile
GetUsePhpmap() const WDS::CProfile
GetUser() const WDS::CProfile
IsValid() const WDS::CProfile
Load(wxFileConfig *pConfig)WDS::CProfile
Save(wxFileConfig *pConfig)WDS::CProfile
SetDat(const wxString &dat)WDS::CProfile
SetDirty(bool dirty)WDS::CProfile
SetFogOfWar(bool fow)WDS::CProfile
SetLastScrollPosition(int x, int y)WDS::CProfile
SetLastZoom(float zoom)WDS::CProfile
SetMap(const wxString &map)WDS::CProfile
SetName(const wxString &name)WDS::CProfile
SetPassword(const wxString &pw)WDS::CProfile
SetServer(const wxString &server)WDS::CProfile
SetTimestamp(int ts)WDS::CProfile
SetUsePhpmap(bool b_use)WDS::CProfile
SetUser(const wxString &user)WDS::CProfile

Generated on Sun Jan 16 18:20:27 2005 for WDSMap by  doxygen